The Agroterenas' history began before its foundation and is intertwine with the history of the Rezende Barbosa family, which has always been connected to agriculture.

After leaving the region where the family produced coffee at the end of the 19th century in search of better planting conditions, the family established in Cravinhos, town close to city of Ribeirão Preto, west of São Paulo state, where they found fertile land, initiating new techniques for coffee and cotton cultivation.

With the death of her husband Eugênio de Rezende Barbosa, Mrs. Olga Ottoni de Rezende Barbosa took over the management of the farms and the direction and guidance of the work in the field, alongside her brother Nelson and her son Renato de Rezende Barbosa.

In 1944, Renato de Rezende Barbosa acquired Fazenda Nova América, in the city of Assis, where the first sugar and alcohol plant of the Vale do Paranapanema was installed. The splitting of Grupo NovAmérica in 2010 gave rise to Agroterenas, which operates in the cultivation of sugarcane, fresh orange and concentrated orange juice. In 2013, the company started to cultivate soybeans and peanut.


Renato de Rezende Barbosa acquired Fazenda Nova América in partnership with Ferdinando Matarazzo.

História 1946


Dedication to sugarcane plantation. The farm management was completely taken over by Rezende Barbosa family.

História 1947


Establishment of Usina Nova América of sugar and alcohol. Annual sugar production: 20 thousand bags.

História 1957


Acquisition of Usina Maracaí in partnership with Paulo de Rezende Barbosa and Edgar de Andrade Reis.


Acquisition of Guacho Agropecuária, currently named Agroterenas Citrus.

História 1981


Capivara – Agropecuária S.A. was created from a split of the agricultural area of Usina Maracaí S.A. Açúcar e Álcool. Currently, Agroterenas’ Maracaí unit.


NovAmérica S/A Industrial Citrus, currently Agroterenas Industrial Citrus, launched the Packing House with mechanized system of fruit selection and packing.

História 1997


Teaçu Armazéns Gerais, export and import terminal for maritime shipment was created.

História 2000


Building of the Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (FCOJ) plant, in Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo unit.

História 2005


NovAmérica acquires the União sugar.

História 2006


Announcement of a sugar and alcohol plant establishment in Caarapó/MS, and the beginning of sugarcane plantation in the region.

Launching of the União Pro line and opening of the new port terminal of Teaçu Armazéns Gerais.


NovAmérica acquires Destilaria Paraguaçu Ltda, currently named Agroterenas Paraguaçu Paulista unit.

História 2009


NovAmérica joins to Grupo Cosan (currently, Raízen) involving the industrial and retail sector.

História 2010


The division of NovAmérica’s assets was carried out originating two companies, one of them is Agroterenas.

História 2011


Agroterenas starts its activities in Deodápolis/MS to provide sugarcane to ETH Bioenergia – Rio Brilhante unit, currently named Atvos.